Friday, February 8, 2008

Swoon current crush....uh, no, NOT Pat Buchanan, as hot as he *is*. No, it's Rachel Maddow, progressive talk radio host and my personal hero from Air America. I listened to her for years and loved her for her brains, but it was merely a platonic love. It wasn't until she got noticed for the sharp political wonk she is and started making visits to Countdown with Keith Olbermann (oooh, another platonic crush of mine) that I actually saw her and started my present swoon. Hotness, brains, just enough wonkiness to make her sufficiently hip yet not quite geeky, and a little pink lip gloss most assuredly forced upon her by MSNBC makeup... ahhh, it just doesn't get any better than that :).

And yes, my partner knows all about Rachel and suffers through my excited schoolgirl giggles every time the woman shows up on Countdown. And no, we will not talk about the thing *she* (my partner, not Ms. Maddow) has for Aishwarya Rai (except I will say that Bollywood movies are a lot more fun than people here think they are, and, well, Aishwarya Rai is really and truly HOT, as well as half a world away so I'm not worried :) ).


acambras said...

And did you notice that Joe Scarborough and Keith Olbermann are both wearing soft pink neckties that go with Rachel Maddow's soft pink lip gloss?

I don't know who has it worse -- you having to suffer through seeing Pat Buchanan on "Morning Cup of Joe" to see Rachel, or L. having to listen to all that tinny Bollywood music to see Aishwarya. Maybe she could turn down the sound and put on "Dark Side of the Moon" instead. Come to think of it, that might be a good alternative soundtrack to a lot of MSNBC programming, too...

WifeMomKnitter said...

Even though I don't bat for your team, I'm with L on Aishwarya Rai. That woman is *HOT*!!

mad knitter said...

WifeMomKnitter, those pics on imdb don't even do her justice! The pic of just her (not the one with her husband)at this site is stunning...

Not that she's *my* crush or anything!! :)

KnelleyBelley said...

I hadn't heard of Rachel Maddow, but after watching the clip I can see why you swoon. She's a smart cookie and she's cute! Thanks for sharing. (Pat Buchanan was a little hard to stomach, though.)

Erin said...

Yeah, it's too bad that Pat B. is part of the price for watching your crush. He makes me want to throw things.
I wonder how they feel about having to work with him?
And Anne, there's nothing wrong with Bollywood music -- the tinnyness is part of the appeal. As is all of the dancing. I love that there are dance numbers even in the more serious movies. It makes up for the fact that there's never any kissing.

Sarah said...

wow, I must say Im seeing a different side of you and L, interesting! Thanks for sharing!